
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Walk, Don't Drive!

Walk and Leave Your Car Parked.

For a lot of us it becomes easy to just DRIVE off and go anywhere we like. But have you ever thought how bad is to be sitting in a car and just drive to every place you need to go?

Here is what happens when you drive:

1. Your car gets more miles, wear out tires, brake pads, etc.
2. You make Oil companies richer, car parts go up in price, car repair costs.
3. You waste your paycheck, you work hard for your money and spend it on gas?
4. Your blood presure goes up, go to go to the doctor AND PAY medical bills.

Instead, you should leave your car parked whenever possible. Walking is better than driving. If you walk your blood pressure will go down, you heart beat will become normal, your medical bills will be LESS and you'll be live happier.
Most of the money is spent on gasoline, so why not save on gas and keep part of that for yourself, or maybe you can buy a gift for your other half?
You will be more friendly to the environment, greenhouse keeper, stay in shape and your face will wear a bigger smile.
You'll be able to help someone because you'll be fit to run faster and show off your muscles.
People will be talking about you and your exercises, they will see you as the person they can rely on.
YOU WILL LIVE LONGER and you'll become stronger.

What do you say?

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